About Komask Makeup
Beauty gives you the confidence you deserve.
KOMASK INC started with a vision of a group of make-up artists, beauty advisors, and cosmetologists working together for over 25 years and known for fabricating high-quality skin care products. They continuously tried to provide beauty products catering to the complete cosmetic necessities of women from all walks of life. Eventually, they developed the mineral-based cosmetic products KOMASK AD Professional Make-up.
KOMASK products were created through the combined practical knowledge and expertise of chemists, beauty analysts, and Marketing knowledge of the agents and suppliers from America, Germany, Italy, Africa and the Middle East.
Since KOMASK Inc. was founded, it has focused on the needs and beauty beliefs of each region, country and community, considering each beauty tradition, but at the same time guiding women to the latest make-up trends. Consequently, it is its objective to understand and comply with the requirements of all its consumers all over the world.
KOMASK was initially distributed in a few states and regions for professional usage and other art-related requirements.
Soon KOMASK became commercially available in the market on a broader scale and because of its prestige, it didn’t take long to draw the interest of cosmetic-related business enthusiasts from other countries which made KOMASK’s circulation possible in different parts of the world.
KOMASK does not use only traditional advertising but is rather strongly marketed through word-of-mouth of a wide array of loyal users, not to mention public figures and professional make-up artists.
An added tactic of widening KOMASK’s recognition is through its make-up training centres, wherein trendy giveaway products are provided to its trainees.
Furthermore, KOMASK INC. provides KOMASK make-up displays to other training centres to encourage the trainees to try its products.
KOMASK INC // Seattle Washington -USA
We appreciate your trust greatly. Our clients choose us and our products because they
know we are the best.
Leila Henry
Maecenas at blandit leo. Morbi eget leo et justo sagittis maximus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus risus et dignissim
Leila Henry
Maecenas at blandit leo. Morbi eget leo et justo sagittis maximus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus risus et dignissim